What are Allergies?


Approximately one out of five Americans suffer from Allergies, 10% or 10 million Americans from pollen allergies alone! ‘Allergy’ is a disorder of the immune system with reactions such as conjunctivitis, runny nose, and sinusitis which result from the activation of excessive mast cells by Immunoglobulin E (IgE) (an antibody) that induces a mild to severe inflammatory response. The cause is a hypersensitivity to certain allergens like dust, pollen, nuts and bees and can be life-threatening if it escalades into an anaphylactic reaction and is not treated immediately.

Certain environmental situations can increase the amount of allergens in the air, thus increasing the allergy sufferer’s symptoms like a dry, hot windy climate; humidity and cooler air tend to decrease the amount of allergens in the air. Also, certain times of the year lead to a peak in allergy symptoms, for instance during spring and early summer when most plants and trees are budding and releasing pollen into the air.

Antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal steroids are some of the medicinal treatments for allergies, but most experts agree that reducing your exposure to the allergens is the best treatment of all. Inside your home, you can easily control your environment by having an excellent, highly effective air filter like those found on the www.cleanair4life.com website. HEPA filters will eliminate 99.97% of particles from the air down to 0.3microns in size and is best for individuals suffering from pollen, dust, and dust mite induced allergies. An Activated Carbon filter will work best for sufferers of smoke induced allergies. Thankfully, they have air filters like the IQAir Advanced Air Purifier and the Blueair Air Cleaners that have both.

Not only do allergy’s cause a multitude of symptoms that can seriously hinder your life, it can also cost you a fortune to relieve. According to WebMD, the annual cost of allergies to businesses and the health care system in the Unites States is $7.9 billion. There might really be truth to the saying, “The difference between an itch and an allergy is about one hundred bucks.”

I guess the only good thing about Allergies is…….well, that you’re not alone. With 55% of the population in the US testing positive to at least one allergen, you can be sure to find compassion around every corner!

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