Biozone air purifiers are literally air cleaners that eliminate biological contaminants like:
- Bacteria
- Viruses and Mold
- Hazardous Fumes
- Harmful Particulates
- Dust and Pet Dander
- Unpleasant Odors Including Pet Odors, Cigar and Cigarette Smoke
Biozone air purifiers are also the best smoke eaters available. Clinically proven as smoke eaters to remove more cigar and cigarette smoke. Eliminate dust, mold, allergens, pet odors and help reduce mold, mildew, allergy symptoms more than any other indoor air purifier at the best price—Guaranteed.
Biozone Air Purifier Technology Revealed
Biozone Scientifics' indoor air purifiers offer a unique 5 way air purifying technology that makes them the best air purifiers in clean air purification technology today.
PureWave & UltraPure Biozone air purifiers and water purifiers remove more smoke, dust, mold, odor, cat and dog dander, allergens and other pollutants from the indoor air and water using a special state of the art technology developed by Biozone Scientific. Doctors reveal that Biozone air purifiers can help reduce mold, mildew and allergy symptoms and make the best smoke eaters available.
Biozone pure room air purifiers have created the technology termed "PureWave" that combines the science of ultraviolet germicidal light waves, purifying hydroxyls, activated oxygen, and photo-ionization. What makes this air purification technology important and unique is that it unites four of the most accepted and powerful methods for destroying contaminants, with the resulting synergy producing a stronger process than the sum of the individual methods.
The outcome is the "best" air purification process. While most manufacturers of ozone air purifiers use the older, corona discharge (high voltage electricity) method to create ozone, the PureWave technology uses special ultraviolet lamps that produce photolic ozone as well as control its level.
Along with these functions, the lamps also produce ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI).Like ozone, UVGI destroys bacteria, viruses, and fungi and has been used in medical facilities for years for those exact purposes. Combining photolic ozone with UVGI and moisture (humidity) produces a powerful oxidant known as hydroxyl radicals.
These purifying hydroxyls have been described as "the single most important cleansing agent in the earth's atmosphere". They break down hazardous organic compounds and are a catalyst in the chain reaction necessary for contaminant oxidation. In addition to these air purification methods, Biozone air purifier units produce negative ions and have a patent pending method that dramatically accelerates the production of negative ions via ultraviolet wavelengths. Biozone Scientific PureWave Technology combines the best of science and electronics to produce the purest of air for your home.
What you Should Know—Ozone Safe Biozone Air Purifiers
Ozone generators have been used for over a hundred years for air purification and sanitation purposes. Ozone's properties as a bactericide, viricide, fungicide and deodorizer are well accepted by the scientific community. Industry and the general public have eagerly accepted ozonation as a water and air purifier. However, it is also well established that exposure to high levels of ozone can be harmful to health, and in particular can be a respiratory irritant. This has led to a controversy as to the safety of such ozone generators for general public use.
There is no consensus as to when ozone levels become harmful to humans, but based on available research, regulatory agencies such as the FDA have set safe levels at .05 ppm (parts per million) for continual exposure and OSHA has set 0.1 ppm as a maximum for 8 hour exposures. Other agencies and organizations have similar recommendations. Previously, all ozone generators used for air purification had the potential to produce ozone levels over these recommendations.
To combat this problem, some manufacturers of portable ozone indoor air purifiers introduced models with ozone sensors that automatically shut off the units when ozone levels rise above a prescribed limit. While this is a step in the right direction, these devices are not foolproof, nor do they seem to work well in all size environments, nor do they control the "blasting" of high concentrations of ozone when operating.
Biozone Scientific developed air purifiers with another method to ensure safe ozone levels called SafeZone. It will not allow the accumulation of ozone to exceed recommended, safe levels. It is a fail-safe method. It does not rely on electronic gadgetry or inexpensive sensors, but combines the science of ultraviolet radiation, atom disassociation, quantum yield, and optimization of unit geometry. In practical terms, this means as the ozone level in an environment begins to rise, the machine will automatically reduce the amount of ozone being produced, thereby keeping the accumulation at low levels.
There is no longer a reason to have concern about the potential harmful effects of too much ozone. Biozone pure room air purifiers provide all the wonderful, powerful benefits of ozone but with none of the worry associated with previous ozone devices. If you love the pure air at Yosemite National Park, Lake Tahoe, or Sequoia National Park, then you will love the results of the SafeZone method.
Greater Electronic Efficiency
Biozone Scientific Research and Development has also produced a state-of-the-art electronics module to power the PureWave air purification system. This advanced engineered electronics package is a solid-state indoor air purifying unit with constant wattage circuitry for greater electrical efficiency and for the support of consistent output and long life. In addition, the electronics design is 12VDC resulting in one of the safest devices in the market and hence our trademark, SafeVolt.
The SafeVolt 12VDC system is a vast electrical improvement over ozone units using the corona discharge method of creating ozone which requires 5,000 - 10,000 volts of electricity. The added advantage of Biozone's 12VDC system is that it is easily used all over the world. No more worry about countries varying electrical systems using 110VAC or 220VAC or 240VAC. A simple AC/DC adapter is all that is needed.
Order your Biozone air purifier today and start enjoying the benefits of improved indoor air quality.
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