Airfree Questions and Answers

Airfree Air Purifier Questions and Answers


Why should I buy the Airfree Air Purifier? No maintenance, zero filter replacement cost. The AirFree Air Purifier offers asthma and allergy sufferers, completely silent operation and zero filter replacement cost. This portable Air Purifier can be easily placed on your desk or floor. The AirFree Air Purifier is maintenance free and uses a Ceramic Incineration Chamber.

Why should I choose an Air Purifier from AirFree? With their products manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility, AirFree is the exclusive manufacturer of Air Purifiers in Europe. Under a partnership with Teka Portuguesa, AirFree prides itself on making the most technologically advanced Air Purifiers on the market today. AirFree is one of the few producers of Air Purifiers independently tested and proven efficient in eliminating microorganisms.

Who was the Airfree designed for? The Airfree was designed exclusively for personal home or office use to remove a wide range of harmful air impurities. Asthmatics and those with respiratory ailments will especially benefit from the Airfree air purifier. The Airfree targets mold, spores, airborne microorganisms, dust mites and ozone. The Airfree is perfect for use in homes, apartments, home offices and professional office settings.

How does the Airfree work? The Airfree goes through 3 steps to remove multiple impurities from the air. First, air is drawn in through the air inlet chamber via heated ceramic sterilization ducts that use energy-efficient air convection currents. Next, the incinerator chamber destroys 99.99% of microorganisms, completely eliminating them from the air. Finally, clean air is emitted through the cooling chamber without having any effect on the room's temperature or humidity level. 

Where should I place the Airfree? The Airfree is a desk-top or floor model that can be placed anywhere in the room you wish to cleanse. While you can use your Airfree in a room with an open window, it is recommended for the best results that you close all windows and doors in the area you wish to treat. Do not install Airfree over or under furniture, this will disrupt its airflow and reduce its efficiency. For the most efficient air cleansing results, sealing a room or set of rooms for purification will keep your Air Purifier running as effectively as possible. If your Airfree has to account for additional volumes of air than it is equipped for, you may find yourself with lesser results than you wish to see.

How noisy is the Airfree air sterilizer? Because it uses no fans or motors, the Airfree is truly completely silent.

Are there any special electrical considerations?  The Airfree can be plugged into any standard 120v outlet.

Is it hard to maintain the Airfree air sterilizer? There is absolutely no maintenance involved in owning a Airfree. This is because there are no fans and no filters to clean or replace. Simply plug the Airfree into any standard outlet and it starts working right away.

Are there any environmental concerns associated with use of an air purifier? Unlike other Air Purifiers that produce ozone through ionization or corona discharge, the Airfree air sterilizer purifier actually reduces 26% of ozone, making your breathable environment safer. In large quantities, ozone can damage lung tissue, cause complications with asthma and other respiratory ailments.

How does Airfree eliminate dust mites? Mold reduction in the atmosphere causes a reduction in the mold dependant dust mite population. Airfree also destroys the harmful toxins and fungus freed by dust mite feces as well as airborne dust mites skeletons that trigger respiratory allergies.