Air Purifier Articles

Articles Covering In-Depth Information about Air Purification



We hope you find the research below helpful in understanding air purifiers, air cleaners and air purification technologies.

Making sure you are choosing the right air purifier or air cleaner with the right technology for your health goals is important to us. These articles and in-depth reports are intended to give you all the information you need to make a well-infomed choice for your family or business.


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This list is updated periodically so always check back for more great information about home air purifiers and air cleaners.


CADR; What Does it Mean?

The Clean Air Delivery Rate is an important number to investigate when researching which air purifier is right for you. Keep in mind, however, that some air purifiers do not have a CADR because of the type of technology used....


Air Purifier or Air Cleaner; Which One is Right for Me?

The first question to ask yourself when looking for an air purifier is "why did I start looking?" The reason this is important is different technologies clean different things. HEPA filters effectively clean dust while UV Light Purifiers do not....


Does Your Child Run the Risk of Developing Asthma?

Living near highways, being born in the fall and exposure to mildew are all speculated as possibly causes for asthma development in children. Based on a study done by the physicians at Vanderbilt University, babies born before the winter season are 30% more likely to develop asthma ....


Clearing the Air, An Article From the Los Angeles Times

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Ozone, What is it?

Ozone is a naturally occurring element in the atmosphere that has many misconceptions about its' dangers. Ozone in high amounts can be harmful to your health, but it trace amounts, like most purifiers emit, it can be incredibly helpful in clearing germs, bacteria....


Why Choose Biozone Air Purifiers?

Biozone Air Purifiers have been helping people clean there indoor air for many years. With so many satisfied customers, it's a wonder why more people don't use them....


Biozone Air Purification Methods

Biozone purifiers are the best smoke eaters available. Clinically proven to remove smoke odors from cigarette and cigar smoke from the surface as well as the air....


Indoor Air Guide, from the EPA website

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Residential Air Cleaning Devices Information, from the EPA website

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Air Cleaners, Should I Use One?, from the EPA website

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Allergies, Air Purifiers and a Healthy Lifestyle

With an estimated 50 million Americans suffering from some form of allergies, it's a wonder how anything gets done! It's hard to live a healthy, active lifestyle when you're constantly rubbing your eyes, sneezing and itching all over....


What are Allergies?

Allergies are a chemical reaction inside your body to unwanted impurities that enter your system. Allergies can come from dust, pollen, pet dander....


Are Biozone's Safe?

Biozones have been given a bad name because of there ozone output, but what people don't know is how small that ozone output is. Ozone in trace amounts is very beneficial....


HEPA Filters

HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. HEPA Filters have revolutionized the world of air purification since there introduction to the world in the 1940's....


UV Light

UV Light is naturally generated by the Sun and has so many benefical properties. Those properties have been identified and used in the purification industry for over 100 years in places like doctor's offices, salons, hospitals....


Ozone, Is It Safe?

Ozone in found throughout nature as the second strongest oxidizer in the world. In small amounts, ozone is powerful enough to blast through viruses, bacteria, mold spores....


Is Your Home Making You Sick?

The EPA estimates that indoor air can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. With many Americans spending up to 90% indoors, it's more important than ever to purify your air....


Laser Printers and Indoor Air Quality, from the Achoo! Blog

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Sniffing Out Indoor Air Pollution, a radio piece on the 'flickr' website

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Mold Allergies

Mold can not only cause annoying allergy symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes, it can also cause serious lung damage. Mold exposure can lead to serious lung damage including asthma and a lung disease called....


What is Dust Made of?

Did you know that the average person consumes approximately 2 Tablesppons of dust per day! Eww! With the four main components of dust being dead dust mites and there fecal matter, skin cells....


Water Air Purifiers, Oxymoron or the Real Deal?

Water air purifiers actually exist and are becoming the hottest trend. These purifiers combine the best of all worlds including purification, humidification...ok, that might not be a word...aromatherapy and more....


Smog Report: Clean Up the Air in Your Castle


Indoor air can be a serious threat to your health. Indoor pollutants such as paint fumes, dry cleaning fumes, household cleaners and even candles and fragrances are a major contributor to indoor air smog and can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms. Learning ways to prevent indoor pollution, in combination with using an air purifier can drastically reduce the amount of toxins in the air in your home...